Bali Tour and Travel Service

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Visa on Arrival (VOA) is a temporary residence permit that can be obtained upon arrival in Indonesia for foreign citizens from certain countries. VOA is valid for 30 days and can be extended once for another 30 days.

This visa is issued on the following conditions :

  • Wajib memiliki paspor yang masih berlaku minimal 6 bulan dari tanggal kedatangan
  • Memiliki tiket pesawat pulang pergi atau tiket ke negara tujuan berikutnya
  • Memiliki bukti pemesanan hotel atau tempat tinggal selama di Indonesia
  • Memiliki bukti keuangan yang cukup untuk biaya hidup selama di Indonesia
  • Membayar biaya VOA

VOA is available to citizens of certain countries

Daftar negara yang berhak mendapatkan VOA dapat dilihat di situs web Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia.

Applicant Requirements :

  • Copy color of Passport (cover and biodata);
  • Photo size 4 × 6, 3 × 4 and 2 × 3, respectively 6 pieces (red background);
  • Copy color of the marriage certificate or other document issued by Embassy, confirming marriage conclusion with Indonesian citizen.

Sponsor (Husband or Wife) Requirements :

  • Copy color of Family Resgister (Kartu Keluarga);
  • Copy color of Identity Card (KTP);
  • Copy color of Birth Certificate;
  • A copy color of Marriage Certificate from Population and Civil Registration Office;
  • Bank account statement (at least 3 month)

Family KITAS for Spouse and Children whom Officially Works in Indonesia

Family KITAS visa is issued only to close relatives (spouses and children)

Documents Required :

  • Copy color of Passport (cover and biodata);
  • Photo size 4 × 6 respectively 6 pieces (red background);
  • Copy color of the Marriage Certificate in English;
  • Copy color of Birth Certificate for children in English;
  • Copy color of Family Resister (if any)

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